sailing in the sun > bareboat - flotilla > sailing with children

Bareboating or flotilla sailing?

Bareboat yachting means that you charter a yacht independently. We hand over the yacht ready for use and you return the yacht to us after the charter period. As skipper you are fully responsible for the yacht and its crew. You can contact the base in Göcek by VHF or mobile phone.

With bareboating you have the freedom to make your own cruising plan and go at your own pace. Of course we can give you all kinds of tips before
leaving. Every yacht has a pilot book with detailed descriptions of the sailing area.

"Zon zeilen Yacht Charter"

" Aloa 27 Gocek Turkey"

Sailing experience

The main condition of bareboat chartering is that you must have experience handling a yacht of the size you want. Although we navigate mostly by eye in this area, you should still have some experience with coastal navigation and the use of sea charts. Also you should be familiar with berthing and anchoring. If you feel insecure about your competence it is possible to join the flotilla for the first week.

We could also sail with you for a day to provide you with sufficient information about the vessel and the area. The Göcek region offers a large choice of one-day itineraries for the beginner!

Special Offer

You can join in for 1, 2, 3 or even 4 weeks. If you decide to sail more than 2 weeks we will offer you 5% discount on the 3rd and 4th week! Please send us an e-mail for more information! karya@zonzeilen.com

sailing in the sun > bareboat - flotilla > sailing with children